
Jun 02, 2017 | IMDB 6.8

116 min Watch Now

Crime, Mystery, Thriller

A policeman on patrolling duty is asked to investigate a doctor's house nearby, from where a woman's repeated screams have been heard. The doctor does not let him into the house, insisting that it was his wife screaming due to an injection being pushed and that everything is normal. The policeman's suspicions are not allayed, especially when the neighbors claim they have often heard the wife scream but never seen her. The next morning, the policeman finds the doctor in the police station filing a missing report of his wife. The quaint little misty hill town of Rimtik is shaken when the policemen starts to dig deep into the doctor's queer life.

Vikram Chatterjee, Shataf Figar, Poonam Gurung, Lalit Kumar Malla